Sorokin : Counselor to Reaction
A review of Social and Cultural Dynamics reprinted from Vol.III, no. 2 (Spring 1939) of Science and Society. As stated by Guthrie, the whole of Sorokin's analysis hinges on the notion that there are no linear, evolutionary or cyclical trends in culture, but merely fluctuations. he see three types of "integrated" cultural systems or "mentalities" Ideational, Sensate and Idealist. Of these, he regards only the first two as "pure", the Idealist being a mixture of the other two forms. There are also many other "mixed" forms of mentality, but they are of the "non-integrate" variety.
Sorokin, Pitirim A. Sociology
Pitirim A. Sorokin Collection
Sorokin Reviews (Red Book)
Guthrie, Elton al
70 mm of textual content