Sorokin-Therese Brosse Correspondence

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Therese Brosse, M.D.,
]t, square Rapp,Ffcril, p , France,March 16, 1*9To Professor Pitirira A. Sot
3 Cliff Street,
Winchester, Massachusetts,(Till you kindly excuse this really too long delayed answer to your
letter. I am at present in charge of the prof-ramme on War Handicapped Children
in the Education Deportment of Unesco and overloaded with work vor^y difficult
to carry out beoause of administrative obstacles.Op to now, I thou^lit it was my duty to stay hero striving to improve the
educational lot of children. However, the research work you mention in your
letter is the very thing I am interested in and little by little I am beginning
to realize that 1 should devote all my efforts to it. I examined with Professor
Meyer, of "college oe France",whether it would be possible to oarry out auoh
experimental research work at the same time as my activities in Unesco. It
appears that my research work would really suffer too much in this case. I
therefore would prefer to devote my full time to my researches in the field
which interests us both.In view of the importance and urjenoy of our work, I have even decided
to slve up my present position in Ur.esco in a few months' time if you think
it advisable that I should join your Research Center at Harvard for any length
of time on which you would agree. The amount of money for my fare to the states
and my living expenses would perhaps not be very much over the expense borne
by your fund in the material organization of a laboratory in France and the
cost of assistantJhip which I would need if I had to earn my living at the
same tiws. Formerly, when I' carried out my experiments, 1 used Jjp earn my
livin? dith my private prAtice as a coiieultant in a health resor* for five
months of the year and this left me free to devote the rest of my'timo to my
research work. Since ths war I have had to give up such an arrangement as I
had to-brr.vel on mission for the French Ministry of Public Health and later unesco.As to the work itself, I intend to registeri the eleotroencephalograrome,
the "chronaxie percutanee", the basic metabolism and the lonisations of the
environmental air while people are concentrating their mind with special states
of consciousness. In fact, what the yogis call "prana" is a dynamio power
which seems to have connections with electric*fllKij|fr and could possibly be
registered this way, I plan thinking more deeply about those prospects and will
let you know-'iti more detail what I shall undertake.As my contract with Unesco may be renewed on the 1st of April, would you
kindly cable me, whether you see any possibility of my going to the States to
work in your center or whether it is more advisable to remain in France, Your
answer will enable me to fix the len'.-th of time I shall remain with Unesco
In renewing my contract,P.T.O.
considerable interest[In order to enable you to become more familiar with my p«st work and
activities, I am sending you by air under separate cover some of my publications.
As to my book "L'tduoation de Domain"/ T am sorry to have -to send you a used copy
but the book is completely out of print for the time being. As f«r as the
publication of the "liduoation of Amotions" is concerned, the editors of the
"Harvard Educational Review" (j.C. Stanley, Jr., chairman, Editorial Board) asked
me to write a paper dealing with the general area of the dynamioa of interna¬
tional understanding as found in the emotional education of the adolescent, I
have not yet been able to oo bo because of pressure of work at Unesco. In the
article under title "La Fonction Spirltuelle", you will specially be able to
judge my scientific Toint of view concerning the constitution of man.I shall be looking forward to receiving your comments, and I am very grateful
to you for the interest you show in my work. I may assure you I should consider
it a great privilege to cooperate with your Research Center,,■■. . .
Dr. Therese BroBsa,
h, Square Rapp,
Paris 7°. FRANCS.Bear Dr. DroeseiI have not received any answer from you to Of
letter. In cy conL.unic.-ition, I asked you to astiintc, in terms
of dollars, the total annual expense. If you decide to civs all
your Una to the research of this Center, along the linos men¬
tioned in your letter, kindly let me know your anaaer to tills
important question.For the present) howeverf I would like to ask
you to contribute, IT possible, an article to a symposium volume
on altruism, or love, IhUi this. Center is planning to publish.
The volume will be nade up of ortiolos by eninent specialists In
WlWJ fields, beginning with nathematioal theory of altrulam
and egoism by Dr. R-shovsky cf Chicago, and Dr. Richardson of
England, and ending with the articles nf eminent biologists,
psychologists, psychiatrists, religious educators, artists., andIt would bo a notable contribution to the volume
if you could find it possible to write an article for this voluae
on any aspect or problem in tlio vast field of altruism, or love,
especially in the field of the techniques of altruisation or
socialization. I hope you will find it possible to contribute
such an article within the noxt eight months, jj^ xengtli of the
paper should be between ten and thirty average typed pajoo.A token of honorarium of 550.00 wilj bo paid by
the Center for your article, no soon as it is received. Kindly
let me know if you will be able to contribute such a paper.
ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'EDUCATION, LA SCIENCE ET LA CULTURE?IA AIHIIAIl,Professor Pitirim A. Sorokin, Director,Emerson Hall,Research Center in Altruistic Integratiotand Creativity,
Harvard University,
Cambridge JB, Jfass.I have been away abroad on missions for almost the whole of the
laat few weeks and apologize for my long delay in answering you. As
a matter of fact, I have been making various inquiries and asking
makers of apparatus for prices and terms and am awaiting their reply,I also wish to give you a detailed answer to your request for an
estimate. This we could diseuae in detail a little later. Already now,
I can tell you I imagine it would come to ^12,000 roughly per annum, I
could give you fuller particulars in two or three weeks, and would at
the same time let you know whether I am able to work for you full time
or part time. In the latter case, the expense would be roughly half.Would it bo possible for you very kindly to let me know by return
via airmail whether this rough estimate is within the range of your
possibilities, so that I may make my arrangements *lth Unesco and my
private practice accordingly.In the meantime, you may rely on my contributing the article you
wish for the volume which your center is planning to publish, of
between ten and thirty average typed pages. You will receive it as
soon as possible within the next few for having involuntarily beer
Yery sincerely yours.Yt^d)r7h£r<3
/j, square Rapp,
VIA AIIfr-saML 20th June 19U°Dr. Thereat Erosr>e,
h, square '.'.a,. ,
Paris, 7°. SLUICE.Dear Dr. BrossetUnfortunately the , recent
Eodest Uidget oT tliia Center (525,000. a
year) does not alios/ the appropriation of
$12,000. per annum for your research work*If and wl en the budget of
the Center Increases* then 1 -would let you
know about such a possibility, until then,
the Eatter will have to be dropped.If you can contribute a
paper to "the symposium volume, we wo Jd be
very grateful.With appreciation of yjur
kindness,Very sincerely yours,
ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'EDUCATION, LA SCIENCE ET LA CULTUREH' SD/llji&Ce/ VIA AIRMAILFEB 21 (950Dear Professor Sorokin,I am far from having forgotten the contribution I promised you
for your symposium volume. I know it ie high tine it should be sent
to you. Travelling and pressure of work at Unesco have prevented me
from doing bo.On the other hand, I am still keeping in mind my cooperation to
the work of your Research Center in Altruistic Integration and Crea¬
tivity. I am having exchanges of views with scientific groups in
Switzerland, on the one hand, and in India, on the other hand, to try
to organize a laboratory where I migjit pursue my experimental research
in the field of psycho-pedagogy, adding to it some experimentation on
Yoga. I should therefore be moat grateful to you If you would kindly
tell me what Is the maximum annual amount you might place at my disposal
for this work, ao that I may have a basis to find additional help,
either in the shape of material or financial assistance. On my side,
I shall keep you acquainted with the proposals which are made to me.At present, my work with Unesco is progressing on the basis of a
monthly contract, which would enable me to make nyaelf free at very
abort notice if opportunity for such scientific research should arise,
which I very much hope for,I:.thci^ht- you might perhaps be Interested to receive some of my
wor!;a which I am sending you to-day under separate cover. I regret that
the English translation has not appeared yet for two of these books, but
so as to avoid any further delay, I am sending them as they are.With kindest regards and beat wiahes for your work,Yours very ainoerelv_,Dt^,13i»*Asb'*"^ob a e ,
-Handicapped Children,Department of Education.
Professor Pitirim A. Sorokin,
8 Cliff Street,
Winchester, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
February 27, i?f)0Ijr. Thurese Hrosse
Handicapped Children
Jepartment of Education ..
13, .'.venue Kleber
raria l6e, FreaoeLear jr. ureaseIThank ycu veiy :.uch I'or your letter. II your paper can be in ny
hands at t;:e end oi liaroh, not later, I otn possibly taaert it in t-.e
sypoilua vlIul*, witlti. will be aunt tt; tts publisher next wook. Other¬
wise it will nave t<- awuit the second syiLpoaiUL, voluiae which cannot be
puollshsd before 1952.As for financial help in atudiea, I am aur/y to My
tills Center uas alreauy allotted its modest bodgot for the next lour
years. This allcti^nt dees net allow for any new, unforeseen, large
expense, The btst the Uentor can do io tc cu-itribute a aui_ between
>.1G0 and CI,000 to a research prcject suggested by ycu, wiiicl, would
be directly related to the pur neee of the Center. I a. sorry that
the amount is so modest, but it cannot bo helped. A uur.ber of scien-
tista and scholars who are cooperating with us a:-e receiving still
more insipsif 'cant financial help fur U.oir research. If you have
in mind a projeot which is closely related to our purposes, p]ease
let me know, and if it is suitable, some financial aid within the
figures indicated, could be rendered...eniiully yours.P.S.Aa soon aa your paper ia in Ly hands, t^e promiaed noncrarluc
: OsAlIl be aent to you.
ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'EDUCATlON, LA SCIENCE ET U CULTUREftPfi 11 1950Dear Professor,Having to represent Unesco at the 6th Session of the U.N, Soci
Commission, I will be in New York from April 12 to beginning of May,
staying at the Tudor Hotel, Bast i[2nd Street, New York.I hope very much to be able to meet you then and to handover
to you personally ths promised article.Very sincerely yoursfL^t^^ __Department of iiducatioiProfessor Pitirine A. Sorokin
a Cliff Street
Winchester, Mass."
April Zu, 1950Dr. Therese Lroaee ■Tudor Hotel
last l&ul Street
T!ew York, H.I.Dear Dr. BrcsseiAbout nine days ago I aent you a letter c/o Tudcr
I ctol, Mew York. I liavo just returned ftcni my trip to
Vanderbllt University) end not flading any answer from
you, I wonder whether ry letter reached you. If not, I
want to briefly tell you that in the near I'uture I can-
nct ^ako a special trip to flow lork. If, however, you
f iiid it possible to Bend jo your raanuacript without de¬
lay, I can insert it in the lirst symposium volume which
is already la t-je publisher's hands. The Center will be
able to i*y you a i^odest l.cnorariuc, butwoon 53).X and
J.100.X, which is the honorarium paid to all contributors
to the symposium. Please let me l3icw what you decide toVery sincerely youPitirim A. tforc-kin
Dr. Thereee ir'rosso
li, Square Rapp
Paris 7°» >ranoeDear Dr. Dresses 'Ycur paper arrived late but I have convinced the publighe
to accept it for the symposium volume which is already in the
pres? and w-:il be out in October or Boveitber of this year. As
I mentioned, a honorariisn of S70 and your traveling expenses of
830, a total of C-100, will be sent ycu by the University.I au highly interested to have your r*a uru;. ,>ru ectin India concerning the techniques of Yo^e, and shall awiit itwith the greatest interest. If the project fits ttrt) Center andyou can carry it en, tin' Center can apjiropriato bet-ieen 1,000), : for its, t.ent (depending on the kind ofivith best wishes, 1 regaintfery sincerely yours,. ltiriia A. Sorcidji
3e]iter-bei- 25, 1950Or. There se 'roaae
hi Square -Tapp
i'aria 7°, ftine*Dear Jr. 2rc3ss:I hope ycu received £100.00 free I-larvard Univer¬
sity, which represents a nodest htnorariur. for your
article sad for thir traveling expanses you incurred
in coming to ty place from Now fork.j;iuL-; volume,w!iic:: contains year ar¬
ticle, will fas : Hi •* of tliis yoar.
\u ■ ,. atter of fact, proofs of your article have al¬
ready boon read ;:nd ret-imed to the publisher.In our conversation you suggested sanding me
an citlir-e of your research project in tho. field we
discussed. Jlpto tine 1 have not received any
such outline from you.Simultaneously with this letter Z am writing
v to !)r. Jaoiiuaa 'tasui who wrote mo about his studies
in ia field similar to tl o one of thia Center. I sug-iat he get in contact with you and the two
of yo- can talk this matter over in! let m know yourI Ig ifeiOBSaj and your imnoivPitirin A. Sorokin
i Paris forkindof 1;ontrol.i to favour very muchIn order to be able to make asminy registering as possiblej j am making
connections with various laboratories of physics as well as with hospital
laboratories of electrocardiography and cardiology. This will allow me to
test the kind of apparatus available for efficient recording and to establish
an approximate estimate based on more concrete data„(As the apparatus is being
lent to me, I expect that expenses will be covered with about jj 100 or $20G.Secondly, I am going to be In the U.S.A. from Dec. 1st to 9th to represent
Unesco at the Kidcentury White House Conference in Washington on Children end
Youth, and I shall take this opportunity to show you the results cf ay experi¬
ments with the Yogis and to give you a comprehensive research projsot for
India.Thirdly, I em going to India immediately after, from Dec. 11th to Dec.26th,
at Jamshedpur near Calcutta, In order to organise a UN and UNESCO Conference
on Physically Handicapped Children, I shall have the opportunity of discussing
joint projects with tnembers of the Government attending the Conference, after
having your official approval and comments for the projects. ( I am of the
opinion that, in India, Professor Raman's Institute of Riysies, Bangalore,
oould be used for experiments) •Concerning our actual meeting, these sre my only two possibilities of
seeing you; either to stop at Boston, or to go specially from New York to
Soston on the Saturday morning Dee. 2nd before going to Washington. I should
be much obliged if you weald very kindly send me a little note here at my
Paris flat, hi square Rapp, ftiris, 7*, telling me where and when I may meet youf
on either of these two days, either at the University or at Cliff Street,looking forward very much to seeing you soon, I remain■ Pitlrim A. Sorokin, Most cordially yours,o i;iiit Street,
Winchester, Mass., U.S.A.Dapartaant of 2dueatior4^^y
