Sorokin-Therese Brosse Correspondence
SClass oService■ full-riteTeltvnmor Oble-Erred ^hireaeTls l£■ minbleceding theDL - Da? L»iictw.T»nniiilmiitwaw■novo ,:i the d»te line on leteerims tai d»y letters is STiNDAKP TIME tt nuint of 013B422. TiDW ol receiyt i» STAN JJAliU TIME at point ol destination1553 DEC 21 PM 4 05B..ND4M INTL=JAMSHEDPUR VIA MACKAY 21 21 1215=i
7th January 1951,Dear Professor Sorokin.Though announcing a following letter in my telegram sent from
Eramshedpur,dec0£lth 1950,1 had to delay that letter until the
positive steps have been succeedingly taken in organising the
work, from the taejfold point of viww of the funds being safely
kept and the right possible working-Center being found out,expl¬
ored and requested.
TThe S days United wations and Unesco's Conference in -Tamshedpu(19-Slth decexber) gave me the valuable opportunity of discussingthe project with official representatives of the Indian Governmentnamely: Mr. P.N. Kirpal,Deputy-Seoretary Ministry of Education
and Dr» K.C.K.E. Raja,Director General Of Health Services,^inistry
of Health, and the funds'arrival allowed an immediate start for
organising a feasible research. Besides,an agreement with TTneeco
for my staying in India 3 more weeks,on annual leave made possible
4MM.devoting that full time to the contemplated but uneasy task0As a result of consultations with the ab&ve mentioned delegates
highly in favour of such a project,the following steps have been
taken:-meeting Sir Radakrishnan (authority in Hinduism and member of th'1
unesco's executive Board) in Calcutta,for advice on studying yoga
in connection with techniques of altruisation and possible help
to be secured through Unesco for a research ^entre. I shall meet
him again ,late January in Unesco Paris.-meeting in Bombay: Dr. Khanoldar,Director of the Scientific
Research Center for Bombay Stete; Dr. Gilder,Minister of Health f
for Bombay State,in oiaej. uo =ecure puch apparatus as possibly
necessary for the research,- meeting and exploring the possible cooperation of Swami Kuval-
ayananda,whom (since about 20 yearsj trained students in tJoth*.
hatha and Raja goga in his Ashram, in L^novla and besides started
■acme ssiui'-iiis iitejcar T!*r-?*l: on yoga in the Kaivalay-
adama Institute in Bombay and already pointed out the necessity
of Biailary researoh being carried _n later on in the field of
psycholoRioal and spiritual yoga.After several talks with the Swami in i-onavla and visiting
his Bombay Institute,1 could get his interest in having such
researoh aotually started in connection with the Harvard Center.
The difficulty seems to lie in the facts that such yogis have
to be specially trained to be recorded while their spiritual
experiences are taking plaoe in order that the latter may not
be disturbed ess> .inducing errors into experiments. Moreover the
Swami needs his Society's agreement before starting such a proj-
ecto Getters are now to be exchanged between us and very likely
the work is going to be started in that way. The possible partic¬
ipation of the Indian Government an Unesco will be discussed later
on under the condition that the work is started and proved valuab
le,and wy peiiible direct contribution as well.In a few days I shall go to Delhi in order to contact Ministr¬
ies of Health and Education before leaving after having received
a letter stating Kuvalayananda's decision. In the meantime, prov¬
ision has been made to keep the money secure (as you will see In
the enclosed letters) until final arrengments. ( I just got out S
. \VJ>*' of the fund,the necessary amount of ftupees to cover my travelling
*V* *-~^<?xpense>' in my organising t„it pr ject.On my arrival in Paris Ishall immediately let you know the
further developments and personnaly 1 feel very confident in tea
near follow up activities.d regards t•ery sincerely yoursProfessor, Piti^im A.
8 Cliff Street
Winchester Mass
c/o. Department of Archeology
Fort St. GeorgeCamp Madras, January 4, 1951.Dear Madam Brosse,Kindly refer to yolr letter of £lst December 1950. I have
now received a communication No,37827,dated the 28th Deoember
1950 from the Agent,Imperial Bank of India,New Delhi thst they
have credited to my name an amount of ks.4#).uj/-. : isli wu rsOelVe
from their Jamshedpur branch. I shall await iccr instrutions
regarding the mode of expending this amount on the research
project mentioned in yout letter*. am so sorry to say that it will not be possible for me
to meet you in Delhi before your departure to PariSo I had
arranged t- be in Belhi on the 6th but my programme has been
unavoidably altered and I have to stay on in South India till
about I8th January. If you wish to write to me,kindly do so on
the above address till 10th January and thereafter at the foll¬
owing address:Flag Staff House,
Trivendrum,Kind regards,Yours sincerely,p.N. Kirpal
Deputy Secretary,C/o,Dr.A. f/olaky.TJSESCO^ Field Science Cooperation uffice
University Buildings, Delhi
'uramUaa smfan mt mom fill main documents"!. Ia4raaMatm>y iet\«r dsted *ha ;rd i»c»sib»
th» Misnt/ir, ParTard 'fli»or*ity fttaSSWlAlt.rutnlie I^twrrstion and ^r«ati»ItV*.'n I eapisinad to j'ov larva rd Kaaaareh Ountar in Cr^-tlra Altruiam
MWatd liVfe to Sfama •'■out ■«.*,OCC' during I9JI on ■ repaaroh project In
TrdlB af. msntlsssl in Vr. Pitiria A. Sorokin'e 1 at tar datad tl* *tb*r'00
T have ban suf-.oriaad to irrmrt for th* •rUbU»,'ifrt. nf 1M4 crnl-ot.
I •kSSftl like- to do VMS in orne.Tll.tlor with the '-inietry of ?dueatinn
and I hop« vary muov that o»ertt>ially 1 Joint rSaeapoh preheat sponeorod by
the "ar»ard T^tmrBlty and en uriropriita l.Mnn T^atituta of SpBaareh
■joal-i Vi smaaattamml L-. FHia undar tha aue^iooi o*" tha Indian Ministry of
Sd-jeat'or,. 1 *(i fjnrtefttl for "our ad»ic« in *bta natter and I an arranging
to 38B Ppafi (aCksfertabatf !■ "ulautta SI tha 26th and than o&ntaet eo-a
IndlvlJuals anJ erjaniratioTie in BSarbaj and 'fadraa. I hops to tall you tha
ramjltr of ar di*eueaionr; who-? I eoma to nal> 1 on or shout 7th January.I am |MrtrasMaj| tha Tni*r<.al hfltt of MU, .ram-had pur, to placa
aj.^QOO at your aaaaaMmmVi TM« ■•on*" wl'l ba arrandad on ■ proloot aa agraad
to batvean uc latar on. I hopa to crmplota thrpo arrangaTttnta whan I maat
you at Dal>i on 7th January 1951. I an also enolotin;* a mtff of ay letter
to tha Inrarial r»nk, .Jam shad pur.vpurs "Innoroly,( nr. Wieroso ImaM ).*>.n. Ursa*. rao..Daputy "•orefry to the raiTBrraent of India,
h>nistrv of KiKioation,It,* Q»lhi.
and the enolosed copies of letters exchanged with Mr. Kirpal, Deputy
Secretary, Ministry of Education, showing that funds are in safe deposit
and at my disposal for the work to be done in India.Today I am giving you copies of letters exchanged with Swami Kuva-
layanda. Ife is going to outline a schedule of work from the two-fold
point of view of Raja Yogi's psychological experiences and physiological
records to be taken. He will take into account all the aspects of the
question which we discussed %egefch»p at several of our meetings together.
He will then ask his Society's agreement in order to start the research.
As he ia the Chairman of the Society, I do not presume that there will
be any difficulty in this respect.Within two months (i.e. aboutMarch 1st, but probably before) tfann
I shall have received the anawerj>wlth my agreement, Zuvalayanda will
send for some of his former students in the field of Raja Yoga, and will
have them stay with him as long as necessary. (The most important item of
expenditure will be to cover their expenses during their stay). Apparatus
already exists or can be borrowed from other laboratories. It seems to
me that Kuvalayanda is the right man to start the research during ray absence
but I feel responsible for this Indian project and am keen on spending a
couple of months wottking with Swami as soon as work gets undor way.Moreover, the Ministry of Education, which gives grants-in-aid to
this Institute, and the Ministry of Hsalth, would like me to check the
records. Under those conditions, it wight be advisable to retain #500 to
#1,000 out of the #2,000 provided for the European project in order to
make possible my return to India.As far as this European projeot i
my experiments right now with 2 Yogis ar
received the slice of # 1,000.I shall complete by t
tion organized in March nexl
Training Institute,
re-educating patients through altruiiation. If so, I could contemplate
going to India in October, for instancej In the meantime, I am trying
to secure some other financial help for the project in order to devote
my full time to it, and thus to be able to return to India sooner.I have had to give out almost all the leaflets on the Harvard
Research Center. Would you kindly send me another batch and kindly
send some also toi Mr. Kirpal, Deputy Secretary, ministry of Education,
New Delhi. Also another to Swami Kuvalayanda, Kaivalyadhama, Bombay 2.
The latter would also like to have a copy of the book* you publiahed within
the framework of your research center.I am expecting at your earliest convenience advice from a bank placing
#1,000 at my disposal, and on the other hand your reaction as to the
advisability of using one part or the whole of the other &XjPt$S31i fe* ^1,000 t
return to India. Should I find no other financial help, this sum would
about cover my travelling and living expenses over there. Under those
conditions, it might perhaps be a good thing, sinse you have to send them
before March 1st, to sand 500 in Prance at my address, to cover travelling
" D Mr. Kirpal to oover my living expensesregards and beat wishes for a Happy Hew Year,Yours very sincerely.Two enclosuresProf, Sorokin,
S Cliff Street,
Winchester, Mast
Copjr8th January,51,Dear Dr.Brosse,It is very kind of you to have discussed with me the tV
valuable work which the Haravrd University Centre for Creative
Altruism is doing and the part you are playing in this work.
You have explained to as your project and I have grasped the
significance of the same0For years 1 have been engaged upon scientific experiment!,
work in yoga and I am happy to see that the ^artrard University
is interesting itself to find out how yoga would be scientific
ally exploited for Creative AltruismsI am willing to cooperate with you and shall try my best
to get my Society to allow me to undertake and £xnxsH scient¬
ific experimental work for Creative Altruism. A* early as
possible I shall send you a scheme of the work I could underta
ake and finish and the terms on which I will be allowed to
cooperate by my Society*Thanking you for your putting me into touoh with yourproject and the Harvard University centrej1 remain
Sincerely Yours,Kuvalayananda.Dr» Theres
:V OPERATION OFFICE!, DELHIcopyDear Swamiji.As a result of the two or three talks that I had with
you,I find that you are the only person in India who can help
the Harvard University Centre of Creative Altruism by scientific
experiments in the field of yoga and offer me cooperation in my
project^ %y t request you therefore, to let me know the terms
on which you would cooperate and the work you hipe to undertake
and finish in the current year. I expect your reply in about a
couple of months'As soon as 1 hera from you regarding the monetary help
you expect for your laboratory work,I shall try to meet your
wishes as beat as ■*• can.Some money has already been kept for
this work with Mr.Kirpal,the Deputy Secretary to the Ministry
of Education,Delhi.I am very grateful for the valuable cooperation you propose
oacu ta -.ffe* and sht.ll be looking forward for hearing from
you at your earliest convenience*Yours sincerelyTherese Bresse.Swami Kuvalayananda,
Ja.-.uary 26, 1951Dr. Thei
li Squan
Paris, 1I received ymir letter January 23rd. I hope that the work
in India would really be ,-cins on, and we should dc cur laat in order to
carry it t •Simultaneously with this letter, I am asking the Drivers* ty to
Bent to you at your pers< ral Paris address, "2000, which we agreed upen.
betel at i-nce for your research in India as woll as in
Europe becanfta fund* cf the "enter pmrmSt it at We present tire and Uicanae
this surr, enn possibly help 70 t.< rr jnli n ttie at tidies in India and in
Eurprie in the best pcssihle way. This *i?UOO includes also {ECO which you
augpesto:! should '« cent te- I'r. "irpal. If tti.'a sum has to .e aent to Ma
now, you car. ser.d it directlj tc him.You jKjaaibly know that T sent T<?000 also to Mr. Uaaul for re-
eeiiron on Tog* techniques by a group of ominont apeciolJata, Thus, out of
a mciiost C20,000 budget cf the Center, I appropriated, all in ail, "5000
for the stud;' of tho techniques of Togi. This is cr/ interest and the
Importance 1 attach, tc this research. Please let ne Itticw how the researcliss
guided by you in India a;: t.t;11 as in Kvtrope proceed.Kith best wishes,lltiriro j\, SorokinP.S, I am Bending under separate cover 25 copies of tha leaflet about tha
Center to ycu, 25 to I'.r. Kirpal, and 25 to Swani Ktrvalavanda.
l'eUruary 21, 1951Dr. Theresa ; rcssa
h 5qi;are . [
Paris 7, TranceDsar Dr. .'j-caso:On February 2nd, harvard ObivcrM.4^-
sent to you ,'^CC for tl-t agw .;.- hh -.:,. an Togi
in Eurcic as well as in Inula* I neuter tha
£2000 rokichcL; you- ulu jou i«, go kind a? to let
no Know ai:.; i. ; caaiblc U ini'cTBM W-at further
steps art ir. regard to the rej; iron J:. '-'..— aPitlrlm /.. Ucrokin
ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'EDUCATION, LA SCIENCE ET LA CULTUREi V, A v » n u a KfiffV, PARIS IFob. 21,1951■ AiSDl^D^V^VjlaJVDear profe3sor Sorokin,1 received this morning the Cambridge Trust Company's cheque for 4 2.0C0
in payment of my research grant. I thank you very muoh. * immediately returned the
receipt to tha Bursar.I am now proceeding with the European research. 1 already started one
Centra in Bordeaux (France) concerning techniques of altruizatlon with psycho somatic
experiments on young soldiers in connection with a military hospital's l»boratory .
I am planning to sot up an other one in Netherlands in connection with a psycho¬
physiological laboratory in Leyden. In *"arls the electro bio logy of yogis is being
studied at tho Mnrey Institute. In the outskirts of Paris I was allowed to go with
portable aoperatus and take records at the Ramakrlshna's Ashram,devoted to Baktl Yoga.
Moreover,I am organizing the experimental researoh to be carried on in Switzerland
on adolescents trailed for international understanding within the framework of the
^attegno's International training Institute,as soon as I receive further news from India I shall examine how much
(in thai 2.000 budget)haa to be spared to help my joining the Indian Researoh Center,Furthermore,s»y i 1st you know that I badly mead a book edited in Harvard
( that I could not secure Cither in India or in Groat Britain,and much less in France)
In order to exaMne .compare and criticize the European techniques of altruizatlonin the light of Yof;a techniques^ Would it be possible to have It sent to met The --exact title is»''Wvard Oriental Series edited by Charles Rockwell Laumann ,volume 7tl