Sorokin-Therese Brosse Correspondence

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" THE TOGA SYSTEM OF PATANJALI'' or the ancient hindou doctrine of concentration
of mind embracing( The Yoga Sutras.the Comments called Yoga Baashya and the
explanations called Tattha ''aicarcdi.Translated from Original Sanskrit by James Saugerton ?:oods,Frof. of Philisophy
in iiarvard University.I would be very grateful if you could see that the book be sent to mo from
the United States.With a great many thanks and hoping this will not be too much trouble for
you and with kindest regardsYours very sonoerelyDr. Therese Brosse
h Square Rapp Paris 7. t ■■ .-■'■.■ ^fe :310.■■ ■-'.-.■.- ■ I tbeeoo'(
»I i
-a-." Joid-oeXs odJ aX-ufi
■' I " ■ - ' . ...■ I - ■ " ■■;•.-■ ..■ ■ . ■ : - ■■.'■■..4., -
a* '
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Pmbruaxy 26, 1S$1Dr. Thorcse Dro¬
ll Bq ,.-.r. lappParis 7. rranceDear" Dr. Ironse:' Our letters seer, to have crossed
in the mail* I am veiy ^lad to learn fret: your
letter of February 21st that your research la tiropa
is bein^ started very well. I hope ti.e re*
in InJii. all] alsc ba ,-rcgraeajn£ aatiafaol . _.banaously with this letter,
a cciy of T:..- "u,;. S./ster.- --S ?ata:Ljali is being
sent tc ycu. ■ cwevrr, *.l ■-' ~ T. youaorewha'. later than tola letter, '.'.bile it is
coning to you in Pari3, ycu probably can obtain
the sar.o beak in other translations, (there are
two ether English translations, iilthouj^; Professor
Hood's translation is the best).Hith bast wishes,Pltirim A. Sorokin
us (to the Department of Education) 20 leaflets of Harvard Research C?ntei
on Creative Altruism, and at least 50 for herself to hsr private address*
A., square Rapp, Paris, 7% as she has so many contacts and the organizatii
of her work is taking shape so successfully that she is beginning to run
short of these pamohlets, to be distributed to her new helpers for your
work.With, many thanks,Francis Brunei,
IJepartment of Education.Professor Pitirim 1
8 Cliff Street,
"lirehester, Mass.,
Dr. rrancia PrunelDepartment of EducationUNESCO19, Avenua i'leberParis 16, francaDear Dr. BntrnttlAcccrd'r-fr to your suggestion, we
are sending 50 leaflets to the [flrsinal address of
Dr. TheresR L-roase and 2 leaflets to your address.".it:, bast wishes,Pitlrir. A. Sortt
Dr. Th^rfese Brosse,
39, Bould, Bazin,
Royat, ?uy-de-:D8me,
France.April 70, 1951
Professor Pitirim A. Sorckin,
8, Cliff Street,
Winchester, Mass., U.S.A.Dear Professor Sorokin,Iff*I hive excellent news to givr you about the wort. Thanks to
having met a physicist who is interested in the construction of
apparatus adapted to psycho-physiological recordings, we have been
able to discover a process of recording which was unknown up to now,
and more suitable than the electro-encephalograpb, In order to ana¬
lyze special aspects of concentration of mind, love as well as in¬
tellectual workings. Up to now we have been using a provisional
apparatus which is an adaptation of the electro cardiograph to that
special kind of work.We have many records obtained with adolescents, adults and
Yogis, and showing the possibilities of mind to concentrate either
on altruism or on intellectual thuraghts, and how mind is able to
associate altruistic thought to an intellectual process. Those
records have been taken, on the one hand, In Switzerland, at the
International Meeting of Professor Gattegno for Altmistic Education
of Adolescents, on the other hand, in the laboratory of the physicist
hear Lyons. In certain cases, those records have been associated
to the registration of metabolism and of spirometric curves. The
curve of the pulse has be^n record*- d at the same time.Ve have now to secure- other technical material which would enable
me to make recordings separately myself on my patients in Toyat; this
material will soon be ready. But the most important of all is that
our physicist has just designed on my indications the plan of a
synthetic apparatus entirely con*eived for that work, and which, on
the same film, would" register the psychological *y 3nd somatic records.
I am expecting the draft to know how much such an apparatus will
about cost, which I hope will be in keeping with the funds you have
already given me. IS w» Should we even only have attained these re¬
sults, it would still be most fascinating,-as it opens so many new
vistas and roads to the exploring <rf- altruism and love.On the otherAand, I went for a visit to a laboratory of psychiatry
in Leyde, Hollandp I gave lectures on technical work to be realized
for the Research Centre on Altruism and could see that they are
eauipped for special psychological studies in connection with
hypnosis. From the point of view of somatic recordings, they can
register curves on blood pressure, on psycho-galvanic reflexes,
: and on plethysmography. They are willing to cooperate in this field•■
but are especially eager to have o\
workers having been invited to our
initiated in our kind of'work.Not having had for a long time news from India, I have decided
to go there myself in October (as soon,as I'am through with my
private practice at the Hoyat health resort) and if possible with
that new apparatus, the only one which is able to record properly
the spiritual work on Baktl ioga. 1^ would besides be much to be
desired that my physicist should be able to come two or three weeks
for theproper regulating of the apparatus.Knowing that present funds, including those deposited in
India, would not pro'ably cover such expenses, especially travelling,
I have made several requests in various Specialised Agenciesof the
United.Nations to be sent on technical missions to India, and to
be able to start and check the research.Furthermore, a technician In Oriental 9S»£44 compilation at
the National Library is writing just now almost a volume on wfeiab
what is known on psycho-somatic aspects'of mysticism.Personally, I have still quite a number of recordings to make
on mystjos of various kinds as soon as I am equipped, already in
Europe before leaving for India.Also, certain influential people in Unesco seem ready to
foster my research through your centre after having seen with greai.
enthusiasm my first recordings. They have asked me to ask you whe¬
ther you believe it feasible to have you request the Dean of
Harvard to make a request'to Unesco in the very near futufce (before
.the end of May) in order to get the proper funds"for getting
material and allow me to be appointed for one year, for instance,
to organize and superintend, and be responsible for the Indian
laboratory for this new research.I think also that it would be a good thing that you should be
able to affiliate your Centre to the World Federation of Kental
Health. in order to be able^to publish eome of our results in one
of their next international congresses.I am looking forward with great eagerness to your opinion on
all the above-mentioned views and will give you any precision you
may wish to haite.. From the finaicial poin't of view, I have now
committed about si ,000.6 1 was more or less contemplating spending
the remainder on the new apparatus, going to India and working
there. (Although I don't feel quite sure that it will cover such
a complex and diffused work. But I am confident all the same that
everything will work out for the best), 'With very kindest regards and hoping you and Kru. Sorokin
are both keeping well,
D* Therese BROSSE■ay,9 ,1951pear frofessor Sorokin,"As soon as I received your ■,etter,I
telephoned to ay-friend who,In UN±£CO Is the
juridical councillor in order to get the c±x&
right proceedings to be adopted for the
harvard application.He advised »e to sen* hlM'iMediate^y
your letter and a detailed ""'etter leier -
anduw1* about the question in order tt
consult the U.S. CoMisslon.He pro«lsed t»
send lie the require* information as soon as
obtained in order to have it forwarded t»
you.Enclosed a copy of that '"T'etter-«e«or-
anrtu*" sent to hi«a This witl allow you to
get a more precise idea about »y work and
projects^ t Kindly excuse its being written
in French,this saved ti«e for me ) ;—When receiving the answer,! shall send
you the infor«ation without de^ayVery sinsere^y yours
Dr. ThSraae tiramme
39 Biu'evard Bazl«
UL * n.T,.f l. y-d a-I*>msitayat ''a 9 *»1EW*Laltre-TTl"''iam OaKCIKConsol-1" ar ^url^iquo
U::jiiCO t'nrlmMan cher li'iitm.Ciiare stilts a
el-jiint ""a "ettro
,iaijenroh Cantar In
a "una das mlenna
:fllsa au pilnt.nitrs antratlon le'Sjhenlque ,j ;
du trafessCur ijorskln.UlTuctuur
Creative A-* trulam.Catte 'attra u
a tfont Je Viua dinno cople afln rtviua adrasseSu'Barvardat uno'^-fepiiffioB facfltor 'a1 Viue savoz quo j'al ete S9**lclte« Papula 2 ana par ""Lnlfur-
ai%t do Harvard pour reprundre mal travaux d* exfarlmoatatlen ~
psych*—smmat1qua em rapTJart nvua * ' eoue-itlsm b "a a ant* nuntCe
at .n partlou'ler avae '•cxurclce au xoga- ^travaux lntarrmpui
n-jTiuls "a (iuorro J, o'mat afln d'atre an mflsure C'asaumar catte
charge a% da fairs face a cutte roaainsaWlte qua J'al - mnt
mm damisolan *• membra du secretariat «« ""'linasua.*n vue Co jfcpindro a ""a double ne«u3slUtaj d'arganiser 'a.recherche dana "'irni, sur'us HaJa lagls.b) de porfecilinmer 'bs mfyeas d' lOTeatlnatlan en Europe afln
d'en fairs heneficler Job 'nboratolres do '"luce,J'al ->:•.-,':Hiaf .. >m«o suit "ea travaux qui w'etalant cinfles:J'ai aai-mame sVimu au csura a,un~bref eejeur^a coope¬
ration du awaml KuTa'ayan.indn.lJlreetour X "a fits d'un Aahrnm a
T-anawta at d'un Instltut r*e rochorcha sur 'as as^oBta phyal^s-
Jlquea r!u yoga,*. Bombay. ICet tMrfeXtat a f'eja renrTa onflnnca el
"■'Tppul financier du iitnlatere do " 'JrfuoatlaB da -'In'', «t de
" ■ jitat Cm Bombay ,nur *" etude fo ru-atnns d'hy^lene phyatquu.JJ'lT obtanu "'accord do nrlnclpe du Swami at attends d'^utrus
muv-"aa pour "a also au point das dispositions aclantlflqu^a
at financiered •lino MamM n« ,/ £.000 ayant cte alea a ma nisposltlon dams
-•lndo par 'Aunlweralte da Harvar*,J*al,u,pres nalr usuvart mat
frmls'dL- dcVacemont,depose 4.000 rou*eea"au nam de Monaluur
/ririJ"'* ,-JJkiJ-i talra in-Joint ru Ulnlatra da "' aducatla»,?iflm que
'am frala re recherche uuLaAant a ma x:,.a;i.nda atrs ouv-rts,blr HadaKrlahnna,OTi-u'te specla'emant e mW cuttft quant a
t a maltra Uarein (aultaj 2"opportunity pour "'tade a'entrBprandre una te*"e recherche Bclen-
tlilque sur *e rtaja ioga,m'a dec'are etre entltJTenent fnvorab'e au
proj"* at prat a nnpuycr teute demands falte a "'Unesca en vue de
fadi'lter aetta raoh«roma.*„~ lamrV prejoi reBut egm*ament "a ;oL""3ar aecuol" au Ministers
da 'a Santa ou |miaf~"'nl expose m san uKca'-enae "a frtnc^sa. amrlt
&aur,mlnlsYre actue"# au Dacteur ttaJaaDlrectaur SaMnf* et a son
aaalstant "9 Dr Viawanntha*. Gas h.ottts fenctloflnairos,apros m'avolr
aldaa~daaa " * or^nlsstlon i'u trivaT' a'out n*-c"are que^d'accord
Uvea " e Mlnlstere da ~'laducatloHfl" a almeralemt h ne voir asaumer
"a (ilrocilan ees rechorchea aamatlquea apps'des k etre pratlqueea
dans " o -.ahoratalre ou Liwami Kuvalayananda.- J'al ao'-iclte "a cooptratlam de "J sarvlcBs ra phyolo'ogle ou
«o pmychtntrle (Instltut Maroy r-a Pans.iioplta"* isl'ltalrc Ce Baai-
duaux et'natltut osychlatrlquo de teyds J equlpes ^our reallsttrt jo recherchaa aaynho—Koaatlques. J'Ttl mla au p3i:it aveo aux('e■ ena dea /tudoa psycho"" o^lquea a rea'laar dans "'esprit du Centre deracherehe de Haravrd.- J'al mal-Msme or^nlde,equlie et dlrige un Centre urovaaolre
i'o reVherchn on Suisse ■""'occasion d'uile rjncantra 'Hi interna—
tlona'e "» "Lcm'e Jorw'e ^ntarnatlona'a tr'lrlgeo apr "a Pr -attognsj
Ce centra a permlsta) da pratlquor <*»s anreglatrementa psyche-aomatlqua3 M caurad* tpreuvem d'a" ti-uiaatlon.
bj #m mattre au point,'
Mr. Jav.un nouve" a,
Lea :■.■ jLilt.'its ont ate "as aulvantmt.on <jBu"umant nous avoam renal"! par ' anrsgistr^Bunt de
traces vascuValrea at da ourbos Bplr*metrlquua"rtea rt-su" trtts com—
p- ementalre'B de ids ant,rieurem hi "as questions a'hy-
gUJM n^nta'o,.—aim,1'espial «'un"nouveau dlapoaitlf noua a parmla "'..nre^s-
tremant tfu Bcatr*** lentlT fu^su^et avec~dlacTlmlnation daa t-tnts
affectlfa et into""actus*e.Ce'a purmet a^ars "'etude1 oystadatlqua
us £tats affectlfa La" '.niiHa,^ttltudaa antl-socli^aa at " enr rte-
duoatlfn). *" -- ^epula qua "es tTavnux du iiulase ont oris fin,j'acresse "amsujets a-axamimer au "aboratelre da Kr Jay cane "lawe qui s«u'
eat actue""emsnt muni du dlsposltlf neeeaaalre* wu claposltlf ma
peut oXTa toTltefvla que provlaalre at --*. "'•J,: lit mes indicatloria
irw.valT"a n 'a"alsu au jolKt d'un tfluve" aoparol* a lnscrlptloas'UTtlp"oa almu"tantea qui son tata"aaant adapt* aux ntd. s.iltfcs at
a "a aecurlte d'lntarL)r< tatlan B^L.atiflque cue tnivawx.Un da passage examine rccemment a donne dea >inruglstrSmcnta
, 'un trea graaM lnterat cu point de vue de "a rsoherche specla'a
u.imandea par "' University >'e harvard.
i.a maltra Uarcin (suite)r*tm mtammmmmml tf* ^iPUl -Oetto reohercho dont *aa reau"tats V&cqula dans das condltlans
oxtreatment preeslrss et mouvantea ) m'aveTont d'un tntdrat primer-
dla* .court an Immense rlarue „n rsiaen de 'a msdlclte at r.a "'lnsuf-
flsanae de "aids .)■ aunlalre qui "ul eat attribute.JH arret pour qu'o""o aalt aen's a blan sa 1951,1" aat lndla-
oeaa&Vet " •a) nu*un nauve" apparel' paTtatlf salt c*natrult et qu'1" pulase etre
utl'ia* an tous "loux ou "ea anrugiatrements sent laportants.b) rue Je puisne me rendTe dans "Indafcutta annee meaa,apr"a "a fin
da mon exarcloa mt dlca" a naynt,solt en uctebre.ut pour une dure*
de 2 mala au malae en vue tf'y assurer une mlse an train Curtalne
ea "a recherche,salt dana *as~"at>oratolroa <:u Swami lLuva"ayanand.-if
solt nl""eurs,a son i.efaut., I" serait ban qde son physician jjulaeo' -■ jti vuo Co ^Hfcjntcr "'apparel"* de ■< >manstratien atd'slder "aa conatructcura "'eoaux a rst'lsur un app.aral""age.^"--rHfUH ; -ur "ea 2.000 i nttrlbues par "'bnlveralta Co Harvard!- I.000 4 ant 6tB Jusqu'lcl depaases pour oa3urer "es rtsu"tats
aotue's doe travaux.- I.000 i aurant rone a cauvrlr: _ Maj '■ construction et "*aequlsltlan d'un nauve" apparel*
C <jctro-raagn*>tlque i'ert precis at camp"exe.a) lus frala do d^,jlaoemunt a ehaquo Tola que eon utilisa¬
tion "axlgera*c) T-us frals oe raulenent oe man "aharatalre specla'lae
dux:. V iacre avac HT. toS 3oiem.iS eventuel'es ro-"frals du rvchercha"q*ul s. rant
cemand.ea a ""avoair par"ea "aOoratolrsa ao"-" idtes.aj toa frals tie transport al"er at rateur dans "' Inde,
■iii-awi at al tjosslb^e uu aaal»t>.at am physique."Ti -1 nucossSUra un viyagd d* encouragement,de consul" et
da contre'e dans "ea "abaratolres d'liurapa ayant accord
"our coaptratian.?S5*_II£!?l2 Les-i.fJQO roupsas I aant-500 ont ric'Ja ett'eeponsaatar
to Lilnlstere do "a -ante ,jout asaurar "a photacoplo et "a diffusion
do ass anclons travaux dana "'Xnde et ru ••activity du "ontre de
Harvard j devrant cauvrlrt — — -- a) Bes sammes eventuel'as suscontlb'em d'etre rtc"ameed par'a tnboratolre du tiwaml Kuvalayananda pour cauvrir "ea
frals da reeherooe engages ir-nt mon mtIvw.
b) awta f ais airj mala da sejour pour moi at un assXatant
at pettts daplaoamenta lnf-rlaurs necoaaltt* par "a
traTal". „Par al""aars,"aa program tie "a r^charcha sont "aurdamant ham lcappee
i a U-ltre Oarcln (r.ultej 4tiu fait ""UaTvorslt* de Harvard n* ttant pae en .aueure da retri-buer man traval";Jc data oar al" cura assurer mon uxiatenee et ne
pula conaaBrar a "a r.cherche qu'uBTtemps "lmlte blen que rt£ja
eonald^rab'e. Un Dlrecteur au C a nan" tan t nu fieah-rcho etre
nomme a p'ela temrma* your dlrl^or ""a" recherche dans ""nde une
£raade -jartle re "'aanea et oar ai""aurs assurer "a "lalson area
"es autres centres oa 3|»repe au aux j.tata Unla.Ue dome iriBta*"er
d'autros contra "a aa "aa conditions s'y prcterant.aj do la modacltB des fonda quo jjo sonde actuo""oment co ^entr<
do Harvard pour cette rocharche do pionnlor.ivoir proapactf
bj Das huts soaas de 'a recherche qul,'aa»nu caux manes do
" "_'.'lliOT C3n33U?ettt ,.L.ls3;i2=ant a '& comprehension lntar-
natlona'a at i "a dlsparltion das tensions so<,la'ee,
Du fait aussl'
t,uc "Or^nlaatloW pasaede dans son -.ragramae dc Comprehen¬
sion lntarnatlona'a doe fands dastlnea a alder una Unlvur-
aetfl qui ontrepraad das recheretaos de psyche"egle an rapport
avec "es-buts sua—mantlannem , j,at on .-""■ j envisage taut un pragrami
rea'laor probab"ement en caaparatloiI" aeatTe tout lndique quqo" o pulaao acearder a ce£~egard a
"'Unlverslte do Harvard un appul preelflux.Sachant qSia cat appul eat d'autant p" us Taci"ement accerdequ'uno rtomando Justlflftfn ete fnlte par"ea Inttraaaea,
f r*u'l" s'aglaao d'Una Unlverslte ju d'un uouvornament^j'al
augg?re au tfrofesseur Sorelcla. qu'l* invite sen Doyen a falra
au p"us vlte cdtte tiemXade afln qu'e""o pulase etro prise ea
consideration ' 3 ri ne 'a. Conference ^ en era? a •Afln qua,a"a deaani
uommuniquar.a "'Ufllvers:
"eura dans "asque^e cetto~djm»ndo rolt etra reclgea et 'a
procedure * aulvre pour "envoi,Jo vans scrSia recanaals3ane
mon char "altre de blen vau"olT.aprea consu'tatlaa avec qui
de droit re_<ne falro parvoalr "aa lnforaatlans ea»ande.s.
.m ca jul coacerne le 3^;Jat_«?*rlmonta* daw ^o_«ol8_assumer" ' organisation at "a dlractlea, _„ ■_„««_ -a . - _ . ... _~_-T _—— -», i,-a n;.'3^ln:i ■ i'ii '.l.i i. nt atrc"as aulyaata . aaur uae annee:- yrais dt recherche pn preaont dlta y camprla ''achat c'Instruments:t~ • 0.000 au minimum at al joostb'u^on campta
"aa frala lad dep"aceaeate neceasairaa.- Appointernant d un -"iractour tachniqua ou Cansu"tant do recharcho
st*.re a K-.ltre Oarcln (suite) 'avee \qs attributions ai-cjssua aentlonneea, iour un a*,au grade la
prabaV enent»__(Cette nouvaVe nepeaso ne aoralt arab'unent au una
budget que "a precedents,mala sans dauta couVeTte dang "e mama
,>regraame sur un chapltre de "fees" pour consultants . )Ju£gastl»a ll<,_3r*jet-can^oi;t_"0iilv;;rBlt*_c^ Harvard-uouvornenenta* IMI *Du fatt oud~"e projet dllt an graade">artle ot~pout-otre
Same s'1" "o fa""»lt an tata'lte etra rea'lae dana "Inde paur
"etude selentlflque d'uno tradition hinhauc ad hauto aartee
bumalno, _ — —Du fall aussl que "a Oauverneaent d«d kUmmmi "'itUa vuinsl
que Ja **al' rapoarte j'ub haut s^intereaso „ulssft,a»ient a c-s'projetet anvl3agoralt avec interet ego" ament "a co"ab»ratlon avec "*Unl-
VaraltL_io Harvard a cet egurd,/l*f ae seaferalt ladlque de"falrorSlx!a0l: "a Conferonee
genera"a un prajot-canjalnt par *oa deux parties*ui vous senses qua ce"a aalt souhaltatfta,vou" ez^ouf cgs* ementavoir ''aaahl'ite de mo„dlre man Cher Ualtre^al Je dais aol-aensiarlra a .-onslaur KlreaT~ot au -lnistere ce "a Saute dans ce sena
at Hans ce can sous qua*"e fome,afla qu'une .- and ^crlte salt
6ga"o..ont adross°e aar 'a uouve,-noaent-a "LUnesce en bonne et due
forma ou blen vous ohargez.vous Be reader 'a chaao avee Sir
liadokrlsbnaa at ce ne tenlr slmp'eaent au courant?.~Je n'sxouse de pose tant da ?reb"£aea at C'apporter tant <.:
traval" supp" emontalre [r'/atro"competence devauen,mHls Je aale
area que""e Jala et qU.e""e 3a"'lcltude vous servez *es brandes
causae bumalnew, en tautns circanstannea et cue" interet aussl
vaua lortes: a "Inda.Je ne dauta pas qa*antra vos mains "a cause solt gagn^e
a "*avnnaa,Je vous an roaereie de taut caeur et je vous prld co
urelre man Cher ttaltre e "assurance da ma gratitude rucica't at4^^=^tlfces JointasJ -"ottro tiu Pr ii or ok in et coale de "a aleaae,-ire *ettre du IT i *andant aa coaptation an 1949
-une attre du jfr insistent sur "a necessity de paur-eulvre "a recherche dans ''Inda.
"attestation du t* Jeraitln nestln^a e fas 1" iter nan traval",
- fasclcu"e du **ontre de "«ciiarehe ce fanrcarn.
