Sorokin-Therese Brosse Correspondence

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Hoyat June 11, 1951Dr. Theresa Brasaa
39 Boulevard Bazin
ilO TAT Puy-de-DomePranceProfessor Pltlrln A. SorokinB Cliff Street ,WINCHi£T£B IHaas)Dear Professor SorolEln,Not having received any answer frost Unesco In connection with tha
steps taken aa explained in ay latter to you dated may 9,1 want speciallyto Paris last week,in order ta clarify the situation. Tha latter stands
new In the following way:1) He. Oaitcln,assistant legal adviser to the Director General let ne
know that he could not get In touch aa planned with tha U.S. deleg¬
ation and that,anyhow,it would have been to. late In order to have
the Harvard Dean sake application before torn) General Conference.Consequently,Me Oarcln contemplates tha following proeese to ba triad;- You oould adpose at length your interest for the experimental
research work to Pr .{OtJiHS, ana of the Harvard Deans before his
leaving Tor Paris where he Is going to represent U.S. at the Intern¬
ational association of the Universities (of which he le a member of
tha Executive Board) . a—4. iy+*. &ui. a. Ua<a •- Simultaneously,He Oarcln will try to have tha representatives of
both U.S. and India at the general Conference,Interested In having a
Joint project for such experimental work and making proposals. Ifthey agree,Pr. Rogers sill be required by Ue.Oarcln In order to explain
to the Delegations the whole thing as made clear through your convers¬
ation.2 ) Moreover,lte Oarcln Introduced aa to Mr. Hauffaan,the Delegate admin¬
istrator of the Ford Foundation which la equipped to provide grants-
in-aid for such researches in the field of human progress. They
seen to have the possibility of helping my work through your Research
Centre in such a way aa to aet up a specialized centra In India where
I could devote every year eight months of full time to the studies
with raja yogis.Aa regard that project,Me Oarcln suggests that you have a talk
with fr. Donald K.David,Dean or the Harvard University graduate school
of Business administration and at the same time trustee of the Ford
Foundation.> ) Having asked Swami Kuvalayananda to let ae know about the work
already dona In his Ashram,,! reoalved the encloaed answer.
You will see that we can rely upon him under the conditions that:a) he reoelves the literature already published by The harvard liesearch
center,b) Be geta your acknowledgement of hie acceptation to cooperate in my
In my letter to you dated January di,19fl,l stated that Kuvalayan¬
anda made that request about the literature j, ''econstructlon of
aumanlty, Explorations In altruistic love etc.). Thinking that
you had provided him with the books,I did not mentioned It again..
Would you kindly supply him according theae two requests,in order
to aecure the starting of the work.1 wound be very grateful to you.4 ) Enclosed a letter from Dr- Stokvle, Netherlands.You will see thateverything seems to be all right with him.But It takes time too.'5 ) I am gathering documents recorded In Switzerland and still scatter-
d ed In Gattegno*a and tha physicist's hands.As soon aa * have thewhole bunch I ahall secure some copies in order to show you the
most typical aspects.l>n the other hand,I am going on with recorfn hare In Royat when
my patients prove to be Interesting from the point of view of
altruistic education. I bought some more apparatus In order to bo
able to compare different lines of records evri without a too
expensive polygraph.With beat wishes for your eucceaa in getting additional
funds through the suggested way and kind regards to Mrs Sorokin,
very sincerely yoursfC^fe^=—Dr. thereee Brosse
End: copies of Kuvalayananda'a and Dr. Stokvla' letters.
CopyJ , . . Kalvalayadhama
Bombay 2,16-5- 51
-f -1 iaX»onaoDear Dr. Brosse,I am extremely thankful to you for your favour of the 9th
current which reached my hands only on the 14th instant owing
to my movements outside Bombay*Please allow me at once to state that my interest in exper¬
imentally carrying on research In Creative Altruism will alwtys
he there and my offer to co-eperate with you in this work for the
Harvard Researoh Center stands*However I could not send you my scheme and the conditions
on which my society would allow me to co-operate with you for the
following reasons:On the eve of your departure from Bombay,that is on the 8th
of January,you kindly undertook to get for me all the publicat¬
ions of the Researoh Centre listed in the pamphlet you left with
me. At that time I made it clear to you that * must know the
work already done by the Research Centre and the aetu&l lines
along which the work was proceeding before I formulated my
scheme*Unfortunately,up to now, I have reoelved no literature from
the Research Centre.Nor was my offer to co-eperate with you ackno
wledged by the Director of the Centre*So,now if you please arrange to get me the required literatu:
re and also an acknowledgement on the part of the Director of
my offer,I shall at onoe proceed to formulate my scheme and send
It on to you*1 have already planned some experimental work in this direct
ion and shall more actively explore the field when I am in posses¬
sion of the literature mentioned above*I am glad to see that you have done some experimental work
in France and and you are getting a special apparatus fitted up
for further investigations*Regarding your visit to India,I think you need not be in a
hurry. After I carry on my experimental work for some months,If 1
feel the need of your presence 1 shall request you to come over
to India. |fcJMmm*a*mtMghM In the meanwhile,! shall be happy to
get an idea of the working of your new apparatus, so that I may
prepare tha ground for you*To conclude this letter,I again say that my offer to co-
eperate with you for the Harvard Researoh Centre in Creative
Altruism stands and that I shall forward to you my scheme
and conditions of oo-operatlon as early as possible after I gs
get the Harvard literature and acknowledgement of my offer*
With kind regards ■Yours sincerely. . ; v..... Kuvalayanandat du ....; ■ ' : ■ \ i e-oo c; ilev ; i > ■ - 'i ... . -CO 0! rJ ; . , , '. ' ( v . t . . I , ■ ,... . ■ ..j. r, ■. j . . - ti i . ;__ I --. .-■.:'.■ .'•.- '• ■ ■ ■ * "' ' ■ • '...... i ;( i - oe . ■'; i : cljs-
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-«8 c "u i . - t- . ■. . . , r'. i . .. , ■
CopyBr Berthold StokTls
Conservator aan d« i..i...^Museumflat
ffeterlngplantsoen 2c
AmsterdamMae Dr. T|jerese Brosse39 Bd Bazln HoyatDear Dr. Brosse:I hope you'll excuse me for writing you in English,as my secret¬
ary is unatle to follow a French dictation*It was very useful that you came to Holland and paid a visit to
our Leiden laboratory*thank you for your last letter and the kind words uttered in it*As I told you,my tensograph will be prepared very soon and I
hope to start with you the researches as soon as possible*Enclose you may find a scheme of the electrocardiograph which you
saw in my laboratory.Will you be so kind as to send this scheme
to M.Gay that so he will be informed and will be able to const-
rust the alcrophon for the measury of the "ondes de Vottoz"* hope we shall have soon contact again and I remain with my best
wishes and kind regardsYours very sincerelyDr- Berthold Stokvis*
September Is, 1951Dr. Theresa Broaao
39 Boulevard Baaln
.o;'at Puy-de-Done, FranceDear Dr. Broaseifor my'Annual ,-eport to the President
of Harvard University and to the Lilly En¬
dows : it, Inc., I need to know the present
state of your research partially financed by
thia Research Center.iiould you be sc kind aa to send z&, aa
aeon aa possible, a very concise repcrt of
your .-e seared)Very sincerely yours.P. A. Sorokin
Dr. Theresa Broaae4 Square Rapp Paris 7Paris 30th October 1951Professor P.A. SOiiOaXK
8 Cliff Winchester Itaaa.Dear Profeeser Sorokin,j.tatliy find anclased a resort of my raaearch work.a) a preliminary theorlcal study written by Jean Brune lntltled
"Introduction to the mystic psyche-physiology" reviewing the
question In the past and aiming at precising tha meaning and
importance of the aoaatlc process and phenomena while tha
ayatlc experience is at work.This study as shown In tha table of contents, is sa far fully
written until Part III I chapter 9 }. May be you will be Int¬
erested in having a part of it translated as an Introduction
to ay research work*,
b} A scheme ef my experimental raaearch already made and actua¬
lly at wsrk with the cannected expanses [ Of course,the Harv¬
ard fund oan only caver a part of them ).
Out ef that experimental research I can have the 1951 report
ready and sent ta you (with photocopies ef tha moat interest¬
ing films) in December (as to the European work: ).
A maeeageh Bore and mora complexYla going an m hospitals as
a continuation, to be Integrated In a 1952 work, .
a) Aa far aa India la concerned,tha European work constitutes an
excellent and indispensable baala far tha mark ta be carried
ta ovathere,ao I could sea that Indian workers in such a
field lack techniques af records and taatad apparatus fitted
ta the specific research.Vhen organising the work overtbere In last January,! could
think that Kuvalayananda would start something af his own
until I Join his group to carry out a piece of work.
Aa you can see,his steps take as long a time that ha daas
not seem to be in a position to spend the money attributed
for 1951.How I aa ayaolf quite ready to go to India aa soon as possible
with the needed apparatus In orlor to Btart tho work before
1952.1 intend ta work partly with Individual yogla.eut af
the Sivalayanaada Institute,partly with Kuvalayananda(lf he
la wllllng)as he got your agreement.I wrote to the Ministry of nducatlen asking te have tha 4.000
Rupees put at my disposal for the raaearch work.This way,I
ezpeot ta be able tl send you the report for indlan work
IS) late February %\m early March .I aa waiting for your agreaaent. Aa soon aa I have it, I shai:
start my application for indlan Visa and license for taking
apparatus with me. Unfortunately,having to travel at my own
expense,i shall not be in a position to fly and the ship will
takm a longer tlae.Very-sinceraly yoursTh.Brosaa
Jr^ IMTriOIXJCTIUH A LA PSYCHQ-PfllSlGLOUIii MYSTI^USpar Jean Bruno.I ere PARTIS - L'-kXTASli UT SA PRiJrAhATIOMChapitre a. Interpretation dea maalfeBtatlons corporellea do
1* extase.- x-ea syaptenea claeslquee de l^extase.- L"explication patholaglque.- Le erltertuH ayatlque.- Les effete de la contemplation ayetlqae.- Las parapestlvea ou 'ioga at de l'aralsoa.Chapitre XI. Lea processus preayetlquea et la tendance
ascentlenaelle.'i'rois experiences recentaa; Behanan
Melle VL
DatS.- 1.'hypo those duallata et 1'illumination.
* La nonte* lnterleura.- L*interpretation des imprusslons ascentlonnellaa.I PArtTIJI . AHALYSa' KuCTIONHaXLfill jamTa'CRNI^JJiS ASCfcTlMjJJiS a'T MYSTI<sUiSChapitre III. Jeune et diotetlque.- Preanbule.- Jeune.- La regime.Chapitre IV. L'lamoblllte et les pastures*Chapitre V. aacesa et exuallte.Convergence dee techniques de l'asuesa.
I Introduction a la psycho-physlologle myatlque)2 -me PiuiTI^ (suite )Chapitre VI . Lea techniques et nodlficatlaaa raaplratolxea.- Preambule: Les techniques mystiques.- L'influence du rythae.- Les gazeux.- Las types de pranayama et lea phaaes de la respiration- La respiration en meditation.- La respiration dans lea etats mystiques.Chapitre VII. Les processus cardlaques et clrculateires.- Las deux poles subjeetlfs de 1'extase.- fee coour,Centre mystique.- Concentration au coeur et enetloat,- Stlgmates,circulation perlpherlque et hyperthermia.- L'Irrigation cerebrale.Chapitre VIII. Les manifestations cerebralsa et aerveusea.- "epos du cartox et mteriorlaatlon- Arret de la pease* discursive et Vide mental.- Globalisation et evell des zones partial. 11 ares.■ Las reactions physlolegiques:le don des lamesla chaleur corporelleElevation du regard et renveraemeat de la tete.~xtasu,aeclttit&Uon et raxxl somaillCuatroa et necanlaaes du aoamallQlencepbale et hysteriaLes pointa de concentration et d1evell myetlqueaL'ajna-ahakra et la region prefontale.3 «ae PAaTIB - POttTiK £T AVBWH fiK LAPSYCHO-PHYSIOLOGUS kYSTI'QUE.Chapitre IX . Rapports entre mystique et metapaychlque. textaai
et csanaissanse supra.-, irnal**Chapitre I . Un nauvoau champ de recharehea Ireaherehea atapplications )
!..■■■ riiiCHJ&iCHi; JOPiutlHilMTALEpar 'I'h. Braese *U).I - APPARjaLLa<j£.
Apnarells dej_a utilises et en_fo:ictlonnoment:- Eleatrecardlographe a corda avec enreglstreaent aecanique
slmultane du peuls humeral at de la respiration.^phoaoaardlogramme avec eareglstrememt slmultane du poula*- Phenearterlogramme avec enreglstreaent siaultane salt da
1'elaetracardlogramme,aolt du trace arterial.i Galileo utilise avec 18- iIttlsmographe photoeleotrlque.- Arterioplezzegrapha• as*ei tra enc ephalftTgraphe.- Metabollsae basal avec splro-ergographe de Uelnert*- Piexaopletlsaagraph* a montage provlaolre et lnedlt,utilise
solt seul solt slmultaieaeat avec lm spiremetrie et1* enreglstrement du poula*- Yeetographie et electrocardiographic vedtorlolla.
2 apparella*_ fc .0iarite negative da Mllovanavlch,- A polarlte positive da Duchozal.- Paychogalvanametre- Cardlodenalgraphe a haute frequence de Mllovanovlch pour
enreglatrament de la courbe d'lapedance et de 1'elaatre-
pletlsmograpfcle.Apparell a 1'etude susceptible d'dtre mis a l'easal dans 15 jours-Apparell polyvalent ou couplage d'apparello petnottant
1*enreglstreaent alault ne da j ' eleetreeneephalographe,
de la circulation cantrale et pbrlpharlqUe ,de la reaplratloa
et da phenomenas paycho-electrlques da dlfferenta ordrea
.... ou biers tout autre montage ou assemblage qui a'av^rera
opportun au caura des experiences d'essai*
Ln ralaen de la nodiclte de l'lndemnlte also a ma dlaposltloa par
rapport aux exigences financiersa d'une telle recherchejj'al du
selon loa oaa: acheter certains instruments, completer 1'equlpemeBt
Uecherche experimental,suite) 2des instruments ea ma possession,en louer ou accepter 1'hospl-
tallte dana des laboratalres Bolt tout equlpes.BOit Buacoptl-
bles de mettre au paint des equlpementa extcemement couteux.II ViJSBt JiMRiiiilSTSLSYogis hindaus I 2autras mystiques: erientaux ; 2Occidentaux antrainee aux techniques
orlentalas; | 8
IntellectuolB entrainea: 7
Adultos sans entralneaent special; 22
Adolescents I 17
Malades psycho-somatlques: 18
Ualadea de psychlatrla: 15En tout,87 sujeta, ayant fait 1'objet da 226 enragls presents'
au coure de dlffefrents etata da conscience,spontanea ou expe-
rlnentaux*III XXPHtilHWlATHM PSYCHOLQUKJUA'Etude des ttats da conscience aulvantsi- volontalraa at lnvolontairea- concentration mentalo ou diffusion mental*dans le but de nettra en valour 1'element da 1' "autonomle"
et dc son developpemant qui sont a la base seme du Yoga.Par allleura,,lea exeroleea de ooncantratlon mentalo ont
parte sur 2 stats psychlques dlfferents:- des etata affeotlfa-dea etata intellectualssolt totaleaent disaecles,solt en association.Les etata affectlfs aux memos ont porta sur:
•des sentiments saclaux posltlfs; altrulsne,sywpathie,- dea sentiments aaclaux aegatlfs: egolane,agresslvlte.Chaa lea yaglarnnua avona etu*Jie separement lea repercasaiana
somatlquasi- dee asanas,• du pranayana,- de la concentration aentale I samyana )alnsl que 1'influence dea 2 premiers elements sur la concentra¬
tion aentale et l'attltuda outre,en vue de locallaer l'actloa de la meditation
sur certalna centres aerveux,aous travalllons a une etude
canparea da 1'influence de la concentration aentale et de 1'in¬
fluence de substances pharmacadynamlquea a effets connus*,c;e
mene qu'a 1*etude de 1'Interaction des 2 elements combines.
(recherche experlmentale,suite )Documentation recuelllle. Resultats obtenua.Le resultat du travail so tronve enreglatre sur das traces
s'SJ'ii.iiiltJs do facon continue et dont les courbes exurlment;- tantot un etat electrlque,-tantet un etat vaaculalre Vavec hyper ou hypotonic sympathlqu<- tantot les echangea reaplratolres,
-tantot la debit circulatolro,
-tantot le champ electrlque du coeur- tantot 1'impedance du sujetL» reaultat le plus notable cnnslste dans la mlae au
paint d'un trace qui peraet de dlacrlminer.non aeulenent lea
etats de concentration ou de diffusion mentaletmals ausal
laa etats intellectuals et les etats affectlfs* A cat egard,
lea etats altrulstes seablent preeenter una physlonoal* tree
partlculiere susceptible d'etre depilates a l'exanen de la
oaurba*Des macharches dlscrlminatives sont an coura en vue de
dlasociar si possible dans cos courbea conplaxas la part qui
ravlant aux pheaemeaes meoanlquaa et aux pheuoaeaes electrl-
quaa nans manifestos dans la reponse aoaatlque a 1*excitation
paychlqua*Une blbllograahle sur ces questions est egaleaent en
coura.Das apparells portatlfs sont actuellement prepares afln
de me permettre de pouraulvre sur lea mamea basea mon voyage
d' etude experlmentale dana_iUnde.Implicatlonaft flnancierea de cette recherche experlaen-
 tala_[ aomnes actuellement depenajOS ou engag^es )- Aawarella aortatlfa ayant servl au travail en Europe
preta af■I'servlr au travail dans I'inde.- Achat de electrocardiographs,piezze arteriographe ) a* 2.000
plezzoplethlaaographe J
psycho-galvanometre- l.'anvel equlpemont d
electro on rdlegraphe
reeherchas psychlques- Foumitures do travail poui j _.
apparells (films photagraphlquea) * 200- Achat de llvrea ( / 150eleetraoardlagraphe on vue de \ $ 500 11qV~
