Sorokin-Therese Brosse Correspondence
( recherche experlmentale ,sulte) 4Praia d'asalatamaa1 tf 400Frala da deplaceiDaas l'Inde,yn Janvier 1951Lea 4- 1.000 envoyea par l'liniverslte de Harvard ont mla a
aa disposition. 4.737 Rouples lndlenaes pour le travallt.- 737 Houples ont servl a couvrir las frala de deplacemeata
entre- Delhi,Calcutta,Bombay,Lonavla (entretlena avec leaUinlBteres de la Sante et de 1*Education, Sir Radakrlshnaa,
Centre de Reeherches scleatlfiauea et Instltut de Yoga de
Kuvalayananda)- 1.000 Rouples sont resteoB.a ma disposition au Ministers da
l'Educatlea,deBtlnea8 a couvrir les frala da recherchai- pour mas propr#s recharchas lorsqu* je serais de retour
dans l'Imde?- et peut etre une partlo erontuellement .our Kuvalayananda
a*11 coamencalt seul la recherche avant mon retour;
November 7, 1951Dr. Thercae iiroaee
u Square Rapp
Paris 7, FranceDear Dr. L'rosseiAa to tho Bruno book, it appears interesting in ita Table of Contents.
fcaihaT it r.akeB any rual contribution to tfie field can be Judged only from
ita text. Respectively, if either a copy cf the manuscript, or, if it la
going tc o published soon in French, a copy of the book can ba oent to ne,
I would eagerly go through it. If tho content ia interesting for the pur-
po3«a of the Center, we might translate at least sotae part of it and pub¬
lish it here, pmrlmg to tiio author a very -.odest honorarium - from .'100.00
tc "200,00 (as we do in regard to all authors ,;lvlng their reaoarchae for
tiio pdblicationa of the Center).Aa to your oan researoh, I aa glad ' ■. as progressed so much, and I wiah
you would continue it. All money refining from previous appropriatione to
you, whether In India or i- France, you naturally may uaa for your research.
I au aorry, however, that lor this ncado..J.c year the budget of the Center
is already distributed, and the Center ia not in a position to appropriate
any new mmOmnti Qurln^ this year, however, it can appropriate a sum for the
study of Swaiti Kuvalayananda, if alone or in cooperation vith you, he would
finally undertake a atudy.If within this year, alao, you should ba able to complete at least
aome of your atudiea and sand them here, should they appear proniBing to
all the K.ambere of our staff, some additional appropriation can be rada
from the budget for next year beginning with July.Kith best wishes for you a'id for your study,Vary sincerely youra,Pitirim A. Sorokin
Dr. Thareee Brosse
h Square . uPp
Paria 7, FranceDear Dr. Brosserttie final date for sending ranuacripta for
the second sympoaluiiL volume ui tills iwaoarch
Center is June 1. I wonder if you can ,-ive a
paper lor this uympuaiuu viIuimi, uualing with
gci^Q research aaterial which you ur.dertcok to
prepare far this mBBaamt Center, :io far, you
have not contrilsjteu anything iron your research
project financed by thie :Lcsearch Center..iith beat niahoa,Sincerely youra,Fitirim fl. Sorokin
Dr. Theresa ljrosae
!i Square Rapp
Paris 7, FranceI>ear !>r. firoaae!At tne and of April I received your cable from
India, interning me that you were there, and
that around the middle of Uay ycu would be able
to send your paper combining European and Indian
studies. After that radio I have not heard any¬
thing from ycu, nor have I received your paper.The purpose cf this letter ia entirely to in¬
quire as tc whether you returned to Europe, are
all ri^it, and if you have sent your paper. I
hope it is not lcat in the mail. If it has not
been 3ont, when do you think you will be able to
send it? V!ost of the papers for the symposium
volume on Yoga and Techniques cf Altruization
now ore in my hands. I hope that in the not
very i-emote i'uturo you will be a.ile to send your
paper tc me.Ram all beat niahea for you.Very sincerely yours,Pitirim A. Sorokin
September^, 1952Dr. Theresa 3roas*
39 i'oulcvard Basin
(Dept. ruy-de-Doiae)
ftoyat, Franc*Dear Dr. BrossetIn October quite definitely I muat sendmanuacripta 1'cr the second Symposium volumeof this Research Center to the publisher. Ifyou have something of importance to contrib-ut* to this 5yra|>osium, please send your aanu-acript immediately. Otherwiae, I ar. afraidthat we cannot publish it at all.Sincerely yours,pitirim A. Sorokin
Class of ServiciThis Is a full-rare
Telegram or Cable-
gram unless its de¬
ferred character Is in¬
dicated by ■ suitable
symbol above or pre¬
ceding the addled.r1SYMBOLSL'*.Jay letterNL=NtS1ii LetterLT=ortLeatrTdas,:„VLTWl Viclcy Lr■a telegrams and day leis is STANDARD TIME at point ol origin. Tima ol receipt u STANDARD TIM J; it atBA035B»CDU11S 15 PD IKTL FR=CD ROYAT VIA FRENCH 26 8J?«
October 2h, 1°£2Dr. ThereBe urease
u Square rtapp
Paris 7, FranceJear Dr. lircsaetTour paper arrived safely, and I thank you for
it. I have read it with -jrent interest, and find
it very valuable. Very eagerly I ar- awaiting ita
aecoud part, i'lease aand it as scon aa poaaible,
because now only your paper is holding up the print¬
ing of the Sympoaiura volume. I havo already given
the first part ol your paper for translation.When I receive tbe second part of your paper,
after reading it I shall writB to ycu a substantial
letter.Site cy beat ',Sincere!;' ycura.Pitirim A. Sorokin
October 29, 1952Dr. Thdrfiae Broaae
h Square Rapp
Paria 7, FranceDear Dr. BrossetThe second part cf your paper safely arrived and today I gave the whole
manuscript for translation into English. Aa I wrote to you, we plan to pub¬
lish it in the next Sympoeiura volume which will be sent to the publisher aa
soon aa your manuscript is translated and photostats of your curves are nade.In connection with this I would like to aak you to allow us to abbrevi¬
ate ^*a somewhat purely teclinlcol part of your paper. The point is ' ill
ita preaent form it ia mmaawPmt too long for publication in the Symposium.
Your detailed description cf the inetruments and their operation is net im¬
portant for the intelligent lay reader. For the specialists in thie field
part of the deaoriptlon ia also unnecessary, because aa good specialists they
know the mod* of operation and dangers of respective apparatuses. Thia
moderate abbreviation of the technical part of your paper in our edition will
in no way preclude th« French publication of your paper in full as you prob¬
ably will be doing it. Otherwiee,.I am very grateful to you for the excellent
acc(;i.-/jli3L'.ent of your difficult taak for thia Center.I would like to know as to it.ether you have in olnd sorae research, either
continuation of your study or a different project In tha field of altruism.
If you have sach project I would like to know about it. If the project can
fit our tasks, the Research Center would bo glad to help your study by a mod¬
est financial grant.Kith my beat wishes for you and your work,Very sincerely yours,Pitirim A. Sorokin
DOCTEUR THttRESE BROSSE 39. BOULEVARD BAZtNR O YAT (PUV-DE-DOME)A LA FACUVrf OE MEDECINE DE P...S TEL. 8183DEL*apc" mvember 5 1952Dear Professor Serekln,Thanks fer-yeur letter dated ectaber 24 acknowledging receipt af my
manuscript (1st part). In the meantime,you should hare received tha 2nd on©
Sent en acteber 24 and hare new the whale thing at your disposal. As ytm
could see,the headings ef the first part have to he changed according ta
the table of contsntsjl included th«se new headings In their right i>lace
with cowles of the 1 Interested pages.aere ,you will find enclosed 3 articles. One ef them( P» Goldflea11 )
i/asked for,because It seemed t* me that such an Anthrepotechnic paint af
view could ba of interest in tho field of 8-l.trfilstJc integration As ta Dr
StmkTls.I made schedules with him in Leyden^nCinvT^ed him tt attend my
experiments in Switzerland In order ta haye hlM carrying nut a piece af
experimental research wark *n the Leyden Laboratory.You will see in tke
included copy af a letter that he was nat still ready but seemed t,o be
under way* It lies «l th you t» see whether t,hose articles are valuable »r
nat. I d» not allow myself to formulate any appreciation,I am sorry ta hare been sa late in sending my own contribution.The
scientific material at my disposal after a nearly 2 years research work was
sa complex and important that I believed It warranted from my part cgjeful
revised examination,laaosslble ta be done within a few weeks.Moreover,froa Hay ta October,! had ta resume my private medical practice
in Royat ^s it was very urgent ta me to earn again my livings after having
be obliged ta secure half the reserach wark expenses with my awn resources.
( I had to pay $ ".000 far tr^v lling by air to India with «n assistant
specialized m physics and 200 pounds of electronic apparatus.One of chase
apparatus was seriaulsly damage^ „nd repaired la India,an other aut of use
because of the heat). I do not mention the way my health suffered from the
terlible strain in such an expedition in a foreingn and hat countryAs your letter seea to indicate that my manuscript is being to be
printed In the actually being edited symposium,may I ask you ~* aecure
reprints for ao.l will be very grateful and thank you very mucheM. Massui Insists for me to send him an article dealing with " Ye^a
psyche-physiology ". Heally I do not pee the use of it after having alr¬
eady glvtn my own contribution in the way you could see.Any—haw I court
nat allow myself to give time ta it before being through with ay clreet
contribution*Now,I «a going ta write a few pages to be sent II hlae within
2 or 1 days.With kind regards to Mrs SereklH and best wishes,
Sincerely yours^*v^sTheresa Brass*
ficveabtir 7, 1?$2Dr. Tl.&rSse ISrcsse
h Square rapp
Paris 7, tranceDear Dr. brosse!I highly appreciate your efforts tc help the
Center hut, unfortunately, those three papers ar¬
rived too late and in the Symposium volume there
ia no more room for any additional paper. For
theae reasons I as regretfully returning the paperaTliourfi the Center dooe not (jive reprints of
papers cf the authora cf Symposium volumes, in
your caae we si.all :;ake an exception and will
specially order 100 roprinta of your paper. Final¬
ly, there ia no need Tor you to jive additional
paper for a Synpoaium volume.Hit ay and !^ra. Sorokin1 a best wishes for
you.Very sincerely yours,
Pitirim A. SorokinPASim3 ilicloauree
DOCTEUR THERESE BROSSE 39. BOULEVARD BAZINANC.ENNE INTERNE DES HOP.TAU* OE PARIS ROYAT (PU Y-DE-DOME)ANC/!Ta FAcuL^t a* Mteaetma db Mwai TfcC Bl-83noveabar 9 1952De^r Professor Sorokin,Thanks for yur kino letter dated October 29. Of course
you are allowed ~o abbreviate the technical part of my paper
In a suitable way according to tha general feature of the
symposium • May I know how is that symposium voluae entitle?I finally sent a paper to M. Masuljl enclose a copy of it.As to ay research work,I have in mind several projects:1 ) ^£lectroencepha.la_graphlc records af such states of coiac-
lousness ns studied in the previous work with synchronal
records af "slow waves" (registered in different ways). Knowing
now, -he Meaning of the last ones,It would be the only way af
pointing out new interpretations sf electroencephalograms,as
far as affectlvlty Is coiiecmed.2 ) From the point of view of "Methods of al truization ", to
make a coaparatlve theorlcal study of techniques (mplritual
ones) in Yoga,Zen Buddhlsa and present tlae Krlshnamurtl "'«ac-
hlngstsee last paragraphs In article sent to Mr. Masul )' To design with the help of a physicist one or two ^pparatu*
for aeasurmg the lanisatloii of the exhaled air and otudy
variations of lonlsation in connection with different technique
of altruisatloa as pointed out in previous paragraph ( with
other synchronal records.4 jVeotographic records in connection wifh breathing rythas
specially designed for favouring peaceful and altruistic moods
of mind.j-ast week I sent you a letter asking you to be kind enough
-.a let ae have reprints of ay contribution to the present symp-