Sorokin Books
Form Letters sent to Council Members of the Research Society for Creative Altruism, 1955-56, Research Center for Creative Altruism: Administration Files
Correspondence includes letters to Igor I. Sikorsky, James Houston Shrader, F. S. C. Northrop; Henry Margenau; F. L. Kunz, and Walter H. Clark inviting them to attend a meeting with Dean Bowditch February 6, 1956 to discuss the problems of research, finances and incorporation of the Society; letter to Council members from E. Francis Bowditch, May 15, 1958, Administrative Director of the Society for Creative Altruism in response to Sorokins' proposal that the Research Society for Creative Altruism be amicably split into two groups. One group to continue to develop the present Research Society for Creative Altruism under its present name and constitution and the other group to create an entirely new "Center for the Study of Human Values", with objectives, constitutions, and organization different from the Research Society for Creative Altruism
Foundation for Integrated Education
12 enclosures (notices re: workshops, courses, conferences, and1 ectures; functional and organizational chart of the Foundation;and F.L. Kunz's "The role of a biological field theory i n education"and "The cultural constitution of man")] Correspondence re: theaims, activities, and funding of the Foundation; courses, lectures,conferences, and workshops sponsored by the Foundation; minutes ofmeetings of-the Council and Board of Directors; Main currents i nmodern thought; Harvard Research Center for A1 t r u i s t i c Integrationand Creativity and i t s pub1 ications; Research Society for CreativeA1 truism; so&kinls writings and a c t i v i t i e s ; translations of hisworks; Sorokin's comments on F.L. Kunz's "Declaration"; Kunz'scomments on Fads and foibles; and the following a r t i c l e s :"The social meaning of the Foundation for Integrated Education";F.L. Kunz's "Declaration", "Toward an i n s t i t u t e for integrativestudies", and "The i n s t i t u t e for integrative studies";A1 bert Einstein's "On the theory of knowledge".
Friends of the Center for Creative Altruism: Administration Files
Correspondence includes notes from monetary contributors to the Center; letters of thanks to "Friend's of the Center" from Sorokin for their contributions; handwritten note from Martha Mood to the Center; letters to Lester Simon concerning the establishment of a Society of Friends; note from Philip Shapiro in regards to the Center
General Electric Company
Correspondence between Mr. Vernon H. Welsh, General Electric Co., Manager, Employee Relations , Pitirim A. Sorokin and Henry Strauss, Pathescrope Productions regarding a request for Sorokin to view a motion picture produced by them. The film will be shown to General Electric supervisors and top management at a future human relations course.
General Theory of Creativity
At a symposium held at Syracuse University on creavitiy and psychological health, Sorokin discusses the general theory of creativity. 1) Working definitions of creative activity; 2) Creative inequality of individuals and groups; 3) Fluctuation of creative activity; 4) Shift of creativity from group to group in the course of time; 5) Specificity of creativity; 6) Factors of creativity; 7) The law of the three stages; 8) Integral theory of cognition and creativity; 9) The role of the supraconscious in discoveries and creativity. He concludes by saying, "each accomplished great achievement or discovery is always the result of the unified work of all three - supraconscious, rational, and sensory-ways of congnition and creativity".
Georgetown University
Correspondence regarding the address Sorokin gave at the sesquicentennial (1789-1939) celebration of Georgetown University; Sorokin's letter declining an invitation to convocation and the dedication of the Edmund A. Walsh Memorial building; letter from Ernst H. Feilchenfeld, Institute of World of Poetry
Goodyear, Rosalie
File includes 11 items ; 3 enclosures (three of Goodyear's poems)] Correspondence re: Goodyear's poems, including "Love calls", dedicated to Sorokin; Sorokin seeking permission to quote a couple lines from a poem entitled "Against such a tide...".
Guins, George C.
Correspondence on various sizes and weights of paper, typescript and handwritten. Article on Soviet Law by George C. Guins
Gurvitch, Georges
Request by Gurvitch to Sorokin to contribute to a symposium on Twentieth Century Sociology. The topic Cultural Dynamics Against Evolution; Sorokin's request to Guvitch to contribute an article for a symposium volume the Centre plans to publish on altruism or love. Discussions between Sorokin and Gurvitch regarding articles and books they have published; letter from Cultural Attache, W. E. Weld regarding an interest to lecture in the United States by Gurvitch; letters from Logan Wilson and Robert K. Merton to Georges Gurvitch.
Harman, Willis W.
Correspondence from Harman requesting a meeting to discuss work being done at the Research Center for Creative Altruism; Sequoia Seminar requesting an associate membership to the Research Society for Creative Altruism; the investigation of certain areas of human experiences while using the chemical LSD-25.
Hart, Hornell
Correspondence between Sorokin and Hart regarding various published works; two articles by Hornell Hart, "Sorokin and Sensate Civilization" and "A Memorandum on "Creative Discussion"
Harvard University
Among the correspondence are letters dealing with the funding provided by and to the Research Center for Altruistic Integration and Creativity; funding to researchers; correspondence with the Provost Paul Herman Buck;